A small-town New England hockey drama that centers around Will Mankus, a hockey player's attempt to navigate high school life when his best friend Danny Campbell dies by suicide.
Currently, we are gearing up to create a final cut in post-production. We are focused on raising donations to get us through the edit, sound mixing, scoring, music, coloring, and mastering. No donation is too small, and we will most definitely need help to get this film to the festival level, streaming networks, and eventually to the movie theaters.
Shattered Ice is inspired by the writer's high school experience at Needham High School between 2005-2009, where they lost multiple students to suicide. This fictional story is an amalgamation of experiences and events that took place while myself, fellow other producers were in high school, with creative liberties taken. We lost friends, we picked each other up and we went to a hell of a lot of high school hockey games. Our goal with the film is to normalize the conversation around suicide, raise awareness, tell a powerful story, and send a message to other young teenagers/adults that there is light at the end of the tunnel even in the darkest times.
“It’s like “Manchester by the Sea” had a baby with “Friday Night Lights” said producer Ben Stephen.
“We really wanted to approach a story about mental health the right way and do that kind of story justice. We want to encourage people reaching out instead of holding in.”
- Needham Observer
“It’s because of the community, of everyone championing a story like this forward, that deals with some really hard issues to talk about. That’s why I’m doing this,” Miskin said, “because there’s a stigma behind it, but also people want a good hockey story.”